On Thursday 6th of October 2022,the Distinguished Visitors Day (DV-DAY) of exercise “SEVEN STARS 22” was held in Veles (Na-5).
The DV-Day was attended by the SEDM Chairperson Ms. Teodora Genchovska, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ms. Slavjanka Petrovska Minister of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia and high-ranking officers from the participating nations.
The biannual exercise “SEVEN STARS“is the main training activity of SEEBRIG for 2022, focusing on tactical level processes, procedures and capabilities. It is the right platform to reaffirm the Brigade’s capability to operate as a multinational force in a Peace Support Operation.
SEEBRIG and member nations personnel , observers from NATO entities and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) as well as the Lithuanian Polish Ukrainian Brigade (LITPOLUKRBRIG) took part in the exercise.