SEDM-CC/PMSC International Conference “Gender Equality – 20 years after the adoption of UNSCR 1325. The impact on defense and security Sector Bucharest, 5 November 2020” Women, Peace and Security Agenda within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Presentation by Mr. Sorin Tănăsescu, Minister Plenipotentiary, Directorate for UN, Specialized Agencies and Francophony Introduction Congratulations to the MND of Romania for organizing the second meeting on WPS, after the first meeting held in Bucharest in June 2017 Honored to participate in this meeting as representative of the MFA of Romania The meeting has a special significance: it takes place shortly after the 20th aniversary of the adoption of UNSCR 1325 The meetings of ministers of defence from our region are very important. We considers that meetings of experts are also important because they address specific issues of interest for all the countries in the region, such implemementation of UNSCR 1325, they are an important contribution to our cooperation What role for MFA in implementing UNSCR 1325 National implementation of 1325 is an interinstitutional process. MFA is a part of this process. MFA collects information from the the diplomatic missions of Romania abroad about the discussions taking place in multilateral fora: UN Security Council, EU, NATO, OSCE MFA gathers information about national experiences in the implementation of 1325 MFA shares this information with all Romanian institutions contributing at national level to the implementation of 1325 At the same time, MFA conveys to multilateral fora and bilaterally the experience and achievements of Romania in implementing UNSCR 1325, facilitates dialogue among Romanian ministries and their conterparts from other countries. MFA had an important contribution to the current process of implementation of UNRCR in Romania, coodinated by the MND. UNSCR 1325 contemplates the participation of women in peace, prevention, mediation or peacebuilding processes. Thus, there is a unique role to women diplomats to participate in these processes. Currently, more than 50 percent of the Romanian diplomats within the MFA are women. Experience of Romania MFA promoted the coordination of the process by the MND because: Experience of about 3 decades of participation in UN Peacekeeping Missions; Experience in adopting the first ministerial plan on the implementation of UNSCR 1325 in 2014; Increasing role of women participation in defence and security sectors; Support for ownership in the implementation for institutions directly involved in implementation of 1325 Our lessons The scope and areas of interest related to Agenda WPS diversified in 20 years We should adapt continously We shoud keep in mind the relation between gender issuses and UNSCR 1325. UN Gender agenda is more comprehensive that UN WPS Agenda At a certain moment, we will be in position to share our explerience and support other countries in their national progress related to implementing UNSCR 1325. x x x